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Adolescent Perspectives on Women’s Violence

On Saturday, December 28, 2024, an adolescent girls meeting was organized, with 45 teenage girls participating. During this meeting, a film on "Domestic Violence" was screened. Following the screening, discussions were held on topics such as: What is violence? What are the different types of violence? How can violence be prevented? How can awareness be spread? What role does education play in the eradication of violence? And other related subjects.

After the discussions, the participants were divided into 7 groups, each tasked with answering 11 questions related to violence in their native language. The groups also illustrated their responses through charts and drawings. Subsequently, each group presented their findings and answers in a presentation, reflecting their understanding of the topic.

The seminar lasted from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The adolescent girls expressed that they learned a great deal from the seminar and found it both informative and engaging.

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